Wheel Alignments

Truck and Heavy vehicle wheel alignments in Whangarei

What we do

At All Truck Repairs we take the precision of your truck and trailer’s wheel alignment seriously. Our specialised wheel alignment services cater to a wide range of vehicles, from heavy trucks and trailers to buses, horse trucks, motorhomes, and smaller goods and service vans and utes.  

Utilising state-of-the-art Josam wheel aligning equipment, our trained technicians are equipped to handle even the most complex wheel alignment jobs in the heavy transport industry. 

Why Choose All Truck Repairs for Wheel Alignment: 

  • Comprehensive Expertise: From light trucks to multi-axle heavy trailers and agricultural equipment, we possess the expertise to ensure your vehicle’s wheels are aligned with utmost precision. 
  • Alignment Services: Our skilled technicians offer a range of wheel alignment services, including front wheel alignment, rear wheel alignment, axle corrections, and trailer tracking adjustments. 
  • On-Vehicle Wheel Balancing: Improve your driving experience with our on-vehicle wheel balancing services, ensuring optimal performance and a smoother ride. 

Benefits of Proper Wheel Alignment:

Maintaining proper wheel alignment is not just about enhancing the lifespan of your tires, it’s a crucial aspect of ensuring safety, stability, and fuel efficiency. By having a straight-running truck and trailer unit, you can eliminate premature tire wear, reduce fuel costs, and, most importantly, enhance overall safety and stability on the road. 

What We Measure in Wheel Alignment: 

  • Toe-in/Toe-out: The oblique alignment of the wheels in relation to each other (horizontal line). 
  • Out of Square: The oblique alignment of the axles in relation to the truck and trailer's center line (horizontal line). 
  • Camber: The wheel's inclination (vertical line). 
  • Caster: The axle’s inclination, referring to the inclination of kingpins forwards or backwards. 
  • KPI (Kingpin Inclination): The sideways inclination of the kingpin. 
  • Toe-out on Turn (TOOT): The difference between how much the front wheel turns to the left versus the right during a cornering manoeuvre. 
  • Maximum Turn: The upper limit for how much a wheel can turn during a cornering manoeuvre. 

Contact Us for Precision Wheel Alignment:

For an obligation-free quote or to schedule a wheel alignment service, contact us at 430 0803. At All Truck Repairs, we’re committed to providing not just longevity for your tires but also safety and stability on the road. Trust us for precision wheel alignment services that keep your heavy transport vehicles in optimal condition. Your safety is our priority.

Have a question? Get in touch.

Wheel Alignments
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